April 8, 2015

Core Books

A side note from my story. We each have core books or a core book. In them, we find the guidance we need in our lives. It opens the door to heaven. It allows God to speak to us. He can tell us what is right for our family. He can tell us what is right for a child. He can tell us what He needs us to do - our mission. And the more we search, ponder and pray over our core books, the more direction He gives us for our lives. The clearer everything becomes. My answers are not your answers. Go to the source - your core books and pray to be directed. Answers will come. You will find "aid stations" along the way. It may be through things you read; it may be as you watch others; and it may be as you find parallels in your life with theirs. Think and feel it out with your heart and mind. Dig deep and then dig deeper.

My core books consist of the King James Version of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and the words spoken by my living prophet. The resources found on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website also serve as a core in our family. 

God loves us. We are His children. We lived with Him before coming to earth. We loved Him there. How do we know? Because we are here. We are here to be tested, to see if we will choose Him and His plan again. He weeps because we hate each other. He weeps because His children are not choosing Him. I choose Him every day as I study my core books and counsel with Him in my God-given role as a wife and mother. Yet, we are not perfect. We are going to make mistakes. I do every day. So, because He loves us so much and wants us to live with Him again, He provided for us a Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the light and the path back to our Father in Heaven. Only through Him can we return to God again. Jesus Christ lives! During his life he spent his time doing his "Father's work", he was crucified, and he rose again and conquered death. Through him, we can do the same. I'm grateful for the knowledge my Heavenly Father has given me of the truthfulness of His plan. And so, I try my best to think the best of others and to love them the best I can. Because only then, will we know that we have a  Heavenly Father who loves us. And our faith and confidence in His love will grow.